Welcome to the “Confluencer” manual!


A CLI tool to automate common Confluence maintenance tasks and content publishing.

https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/confluencer.svg#:alt:LatestVersion Travis CI https://img.shields.io/coveralls/1and1/confluencer.svg#:alt:Coveralls https://img.shields.io/github/issues/1and1/confluencer.svg#:alt:GitHubIssues


Confluencer can be installed from PyPI via pip install confluencer as usual, see releases on GitHub for an overview of available versions – the project uses semantic versioning and follows PEP 440 conventions.

To get a bleeding-edge version from source, use these commands:

pip install -r "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/$repo/master/requirements.txt"
pip install -UI -e "git+https://github.com/$repo.git#egg=${repo#*/}"

See the following section on how to create a full development environment.

To add bash completion, read the Click docs about it, or just follow these instructions:

mkdir -p ~/.bash_completion.d
( export _$(tr a-z- A-Z_ <<<"$cmdname")_COMPLETE=source ; \
  $cmdname >~/.bash_completion.d/$cmdname.sh )
grep /.bash_completion.d/$cmdname.sh ~/.bash_completion >/dev/null \
    || echo >>~/.bash_completion ". ~/.bash_completion.d/$cmdname.sh"
. "/etc/bash_completion"


To create a working directory for this project, call these commands:

git clone "https://github.com/1and1/confluencer.git"
cd "confluencer"
. .env --yes --develop
invoke build --docs test check

Contributing to this project is easy, and reporting an issue or adding to the documentation also improves things for every user. You don’t need to be a developer to contribute. See Contribution Guidelines for more.

Indices and Tables